Cancellation of Online Booking


* For cancellation from 2 day(s) before booking date, the cancellation charge will be 25% of your booking amount.

* Once booking date approved booking date can't be changed.

Booking Prices

List of services and their pricing.

Small Cesspool Vehicle 1000 L2
Booking Amount Rs. 800/-
User Fee Rs. 0/-
Total Amount Rs. 800/-
Cesspool Vehicle 3000 L2
Booking Amount Rs. 1500/-
User Fee Rs. 0/-
Total Amount Rs. 1500/-
Water Tanker 3
Booking Amount Rs. 1000/-
User Fee Rs. 0/-
Total Amount Rs. 1000/-
Water Tanker 2
Booking Amount Rs. 1000/-
User Fee Rs. 0/-
Total Amount Rs. 1000/-
Small Cesspool Vehicle 1000 L1
Booking Amount Rs. 800/-
User Fee Rs. 0/-
Total Amount Rs. 800/-
Guest House Room-2
Booking Amount Rs. 1000/-
User Fee Rs. 0/-
Total Amount Rs. 1000/-
Cesspool Vehicle 3000 L1
Booking Amount Rs. 1500/-
User Fee Rs. 0/-
Total Amount Rs. 1500/-
New Kalyan Mandap
Booking Amount Rs. 6000/-
User Fee Rs. 300/-
Total Amount Rs. 6300/-
Mukta Akash Dharmasala
Booking Amount Rs. 4000/-
User Fee Rs. 300/-
Total Amount Rs. 4300/-
Guest House Room-1
Booking Amount Rs. 1000/-
User Fee Rs. 0/-
Total Amount Rs. 1000/-
Special Picnic Pindi (Sheds-1)
Booking Amount Rs. 400/-
User Fee Rs. 100/-
Total Amount Rs. 500/-
Picnic Pindi (Smaller-1)
Booking Amount Rs. 200/-
User Fee Rs. 100/-
Total Amount Rs. 300/-
Water Tanker1
Booking Amount Rs. 1000/-
User Fee Rs. 0/-
Total Amount Rs. 1000/-


In order to help you we resolve some issues, Our team have already answered the most common ones.

Kalyan Mandap, Town Hall, Mukta Akash Dharmasala, Guest House & Picnic Pindi can be reserved for social, cultural & official functions online only.
For checking availability of Kalyan Mandap, Town Hall, Mukta Akash Dharmasala, Guest House & Picnic Pindi Click here. For Booking Kalyan Mandap, Town Hall, Mukta Akash Dharmasala, Guest House & Picnic Pindi Click here.
NAC Kuchinda uses third party payment providers to receive payments from User. Booking amount should be deposited online during time of booking.